Dental Cleanings

Maintaining good oral health involves more than just brushing and flossing your teeth. While these habits are important, it's crucial to include regular dental visits for thorough examinations and dental cleanings in your oral health routine.

Although your mouth may feel clean and fresh after brushing, it's often not sufficient to keep bacteria at bay. Many people dread dental cleaning sessions due to past negative experiences. However, avoiding dental exams and cleanings can lead to ongoing painful issues.

According to the American Dental Association, it is advised to visit the dentist twice a year to prevent cavities, tooth decay, and gingivitis.

Dental cleanings and dental exams are two distinct aspects of a visit to your dentist for a cleaning session. Dental cleanings involve the removal of plaque and tartar from your mouth to prevent cavities and periodontal disease.

During a dental exam, the dentist conducts a thorough inspection of your mouth using a small mirror, evaluating the condition of your gums and teeth. An X-ray may be carried out by a dental assistant to provide a more detailed view and identify any abnormalities that may not be visible in an oral examination. These may include issues such as gum recession, tumors and cysts, tooth decay, and bone loss.

After the dental exam, the dentist or hygienist proceeds with your cleaning, which includes several procedures:

  1. Plaque and tartar removal

    • The dental hygienist removes plaque and tartar from your teeth, targeting harmful bacteria that may be hiding behind or in hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. Tartar cannot be removed through vigorous brushing at home, requiring the assistance of a dentist or hygienist using a scaler.

  2. Polishing

    • Once excess plaque and tartar are removed, polishing is done using a high-power electric brush and toothpaste. This helps to clean away stains from your teeth.

  3. Flossing

    • The hygienist flosses between your teeth and guides you on the proper way to floss to maintain plaque-free teeth. This is an important habit to continue at home and can make your dental visits much easier.

  4. Fluoride treatment

    • The hygienist applies a fluoride paste (foam or gel) to a mouthpiece and places it over your teeth. This treatment provides added protection against cavities and bacteria.

The duration of a dental cleaning may vary slightly from person to person but generally takes between 30 minutes to one hour to achieve a plaque and tartar-free mouth.

Regular dental cleanings are crucial for oral hygiene. They not only freshen your breath and give you a brilliant smile but also help prevent dangerous oral health conditions, including cavities, gum disease, tooth decay, gingivitis, tooth or bone loss. Additionally, routine dental visits can save you from painful and costly long-term health problems such as cardiovascular disease, endocarditis, or pneumonia.

Visit our practice today to achieve a beautiful smile. Good oral health has a positive impact on your overall well-being. While brushing and flossing may give you a sparkling smile, regular dental cleanings can help prevent general health issues from progressing into something more serious.

Our team of compassionate and trustworthy professionals is ready to provide quality and affordable dental cleaning services. Feel free to explore our treatment plans or book an appointment!

A dental hygienist performing a professional teeth cleaning to promote oral health and prevent dental issues

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